Isabelle Landry

Partner, Lawyer

Isabelle Landry


Complexe Jules-Dallaire, T1
2828 Laurier Blvd., 12th Floor
Quebec City, Quebec G1V 0B9
418 266-4500 418 266-4515

Isabelle Landry is a leader who is genuine, forthright and direct and whose ability to be frank with those who seek her advice sets her apart. Her approach is to form a team with them so they can take advantage of each other’s strengths. In this spirit of cooperation, she makes a point of keeping her clients informed of every step in the progress of the file and the various future decisions to be made. Working closely with her clients, she sees them through all the steps that are necessary to achieve the objectives that best suit their needs. Whether representing her clients’ rights before the various authorities or negotiating a settlement on their behalf, she has the ability to analyze a situation from every angle while factoring in the various imperatives, including the financial ones, with a view to proposing an appropriate and optimal strategy.

Meticulous and discerning, she makes sure she has a full understanding of the issues and the particularities of every situation. Creative, a good listener and mindful of her commitments and deadlines, she wins the trust of her clients and knows how to put them at ease.

Isabelle focuses her practice in municipal and real estate law (zoning and urban planning) in environmental and public law, particularly relating to the granting of contracts of public organizations, ethics, lobbying, access to information and liquor licenses.

Isabelle has spoken on ethics, deontology, access to information, zoning,  environment and on the contracting process for public organizations. She also acts on behalf of both public clients, such as municipalities and government agencies, and private companies in their dealings with these various public bodies.

  • Barreau du Québec (2006)
  • LL.B., Université Laval (2004)
  • Best Lawyers in Canada (2025) -Administrative and Public Law
  • Canadian Legal Lexpert (2020) Property Development 
  • Canadian Legal Lexpert (2019) - Rising Star: Leading Lawyers Under 40
  • ‘’The Story of a Commercial Lease Gone Wrong’’

    BCF, October 15, 2024; 

  • Quoi surveiller dans le dernier amendement projeté de la Loi sur l'aménagement et l'urbanisme?

    Espace Québec, June 2023 

  • “Guide d'aide à la prise de décision - l'encadrement municipal de l'hébergement touristique”

    Co-authored with Audrey-Anne Béland, 3rd edition, Union des municipalités du Québec, October 2022 

  • Projets de construction : la planification, les autorisations et la Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructure

    Co-presenter with Simon Bégin, lawyer and director of legal affairs of the SQI, Développements récents en droit de la construction (2022), Barreau du Québec, June 3, 2022

  • “Guide d'aide à la prise de décision - l'encadrement municipal de l'hébergement touristique, 2nd edition, Union des municipalités du Québec”

    Co-authored with Audrey-Anne Béland, June 2021

  • “Guide d’aide à la prise de décision – l’encadrement municipal de l’hébergement touristique, Union des municipalités du Québec”

    Co-authored with Audrey-Anne Béland, January 2020

  • “L’usage accessoire religieux et le CCU: la diversification des usages dans les bâtiments religieux et l’acquisition de ces bâtiments par les municipalités”

    Revue québécoise d’urbanisme, mars 2019

  • "L’usage accessoire religieux et le CCU: la diversification des usages dans les bâtiments religieux et l’acquisition de ces bâtiments par les municipalités"

    Revue québécoise d’urbanisme, March 2019

  • "La réglementation municipale à l’ère d’Airbnb"

    Développements récents en droit municipal (2018), vol. 442, Co-authored with Audrey Anne Béland, January 2018

  • "Les impacts de la Loi concernant la conservation des milieux humides et hydriques sur les projets de développement immobiliers"

    Espace Québec, vol. 24 no 1, May 2018

  • "L'encadrement juridique du pouvoir des municipalités de stimuler le développement économique"

    Immobilier commercial Magazine, February-March 2018

  • "Conservation des milieux humides et hydriques - Loi 132 - L'Industrie du granulat attend des réformes"

    Constats / Association des constructeurs de routes et de grands travaux du Québec (ACRGTQ), January 2018

  • "Les droits acquis et l'usage dit "accessoire" - Comment s'y retrouver?"

    Bâti-Vert / Corporation des officiers municipaux en bâtiment et en environnement (COMBEQ), January 2018

  • "Des organismes publics plus sévères que la loi en matière de lobbyisme"

    Institut québécois d'affaires publiques, June 2017

  • "Construis-moi une loi!"

    Scribe / Magazine de l'Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ), interview given by Isabelle, February 2017

  • "Que faire quand un citoyen demande accès à l'information de façon répétitive, excessive? - La réponse de l'expert"

    Scribe / Magazine de l'Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ), February 2017

  • "Subjectif, le contrôle des nuisances?"

    Bâti-Vert / Corporation des officiers municipaux en bâtiment et en environnement du Québec (COMBEQ), Co-authored with Véronique Briand-Carle, January 2017

  • "Guide sur la gestion des cours d'eau du Québec"

    Association des gestionnaires régionaux des cours d'eau du Québec (AGRCQ), December 2016e

  • “The Consequences of Failing to Register as a Lobbyist”

    Public hearings, Institut québécois d'affaires publiques, October 24, 2016

  • “What to do in the Case of Interference in the Role of the Municipal Director?”

    Scribe magazine / The leading source of information for Québec’s municipal directors, Isabelle answers a question put by the director general of a municipality who is wondering how to properly exercise his role when he gets the impression that the municipal council wants to do it in his place, September 2016;

  • "The Lobbyists Commissioner Wants to Withdraw Bill 56"

    Public hearing / Institut québécois d'affaires publiques, a status report on Bill 56, intended to reform the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act following the deposit of the Commissioner’s report in June 2016, September 11, 2016

  • "Le rôle du CCU dans la protection du paysage"

    Revue québécoise d'urbanisme / Association québécoise d'urbanisme, March 2016

  • La réponse de l'expert - "Un contrat ne peut pas être divisé"

    Le Magazine Scribe, page 4 (French only) / Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec, February 2016

  • "Les Municipalités et l'imposition de restrictions à la navigation"

    Bâti Vert, January 2016

  • “Les pouvoirs municipaux en matière de protection des sources d’approvisionnement en eau potable”

    Bâti-Vert, vol. 19 no 1, Winter 2015

  • “Terrain contaminé – quelles sont vos obligations?”

    (Co-authored with Nathalie Lavoie), Espace Québec, vol. 19, No. 1, 2013

  • "L’évolution de la notion de troubles de voisinage en matière environnementale: questionnements et distinctions"

    Professional development seminar, Barreau du Québec, Développement récents en droit de l’environnement (2013), Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, p. 1

  • "La planification: un remède à bien des maux"

    Revue québécoise d’urbanisme, May 2013

  • "Quelques bases essentielles en droit municipal – Pour des transactions immobilières"

    published in the newsletter of the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Québec

  • "Pouvoirs municipaux en matière d'aménagement durable des forêts"

    Revue québécoise d'urbanisme, Fall 2011

  • "Protection du paysage urbain, outils juridiques à la portée des municipalités"

    Revue québécoise d'urbanisme, Summer 2011

  • "Pouvoirs municipaux en matière d'aménagement durable des forêts"

    Revue québécoise d'urbanisme, Fall 2011

  • Represented a number of property owners in settling a case by obtaining compensation, for whom the short-term tourist rental of their investment had to be discontinued because the municipality concerned had erred in issuing the certificate of compliance with municipal by-laws and in authorizing this use;
  • Acted on behalf of La Compagnie des Montagnes de Ski du Québec inc., a member of the Franco-Swiss group E-Liberty Services S.A., in its North American ski-resort acquisition and development projects, including the Mont Lac-Vert recreational tourism centre in Hébertville;
  • Won a case to invalidate a City of Mascouche municipal by-law on the use of weapons. The by-law prohibited all hunting activities on the territory, which is not under municipal jurisdiction and was unreasonable;
  • Won a case before the CPTAQ for the Distillerie des Cantons-de-l'Est inc., which will be able to build its distillery in an agricultural zone, since the production of whisky from organic barley grown by the company constitutes an agricultural activity that does not require authorization;
  • Won a case before the Municipal Commission for various elected officials accused of violating their code of ethics and code of conduct;
  • Won a municipal tax case involving our client against a municipality. The municipality wanted to charge a substantial special tax onto our client for the construction of a new street alongside its building which was already bordering on a public street. Part of the by-law was found to be inapplicable, invalid and inoperative with respect to our client, since the latter did not benefit from the new street;
  • Won a case before the CPTAQ on behalf of owners wishing to sell part of their farmland to a farmer and keep the part that is a maple grove;
  • Obtained an early settlement in a case where a bar owner had his license revoked because it had been mistakenly granted to him by the City. We initially assisted him in his attempt to obtain the right to a conditional use. After the refusal, an action for damages against the City was instituted and a prompt and satisfactory settlement was reached for the plaintiff;
  • Court of Appeal case won on the liability aspect in an action for disguised expropriation. The real estate developer was unable to carry out his project following a rezoning by the City of Lorraine making it impossible to use it for any purpose. The file on the liability aspect is currently awaiting a hearing before the Court of Appeal;
  • Won a case in a major judgment involving the expropriation of a potable water source. Isabelle represented the expropriated parties who were merely being offered a few thousand dollars to expropriate their water source. With the help of experts, Isabelle was able to demonstrate that the best and most profitable use of the expropriated parcel of land was commercial water pumping. Accordingly, she was able to obtain a significant indemnity for her clients. The judgment by the Tribunal administratif du Québec was affirmed on appeal when the Court of Québec denied leave to appeal in May 2018;
  • Obtained a settlement on behalf of a municipality in a looming major dispute with a real estate developer that was in receivership. A residential sector comprising some 30 properties, some of which were either already built or were being built notwithstanding that the public infrastructure was not yet completed or transferred to the municipality (streets and water treatment plant), was completed within a reasonable period of time and the claims from various parties were duly addressed without getting involved in costly legal proceedings;
  • Extreme diligence in the obtaining and execution of judgments (first instance and Court of Appeal) for the recognition of vested subdivision rights, thereby avoiding a demolition order for a newly built home and allowing the owner to preserve the value of his investment while the municipality was able to avert a potential condemnation to pay damages;
  • Obtained a settlement on behalf of a school board, thereby avoiding lawsuits further to a negligent oil spill on the grounds of an elementary school. Managing the implementation of the settlement, including the demolition of the school, the relocation of the students and the decontamination of the soil and groundwater. After the settlement, obtaining a favourable judgment on the motion by the oil delivery company for reimbursement of the performance bond validly cashed by the school board.
  • Speaker ''Urbanisme, expropriation et fiscalité''

    Legal training in Quebec City, BCF Montréal, May 1, 2024;

  • Speaker ‘’Le traitement des espaces et infrastructures publiques dans le cadre des ententes promoteurs’’ 

    (in collaboration with Martin Galarneau), Journée stratégique développement immobilier et urbain, September 23, 2024;

  • Speaker, "Projets de construction : la planification, les autorisations et la Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructure"

    (co-presenter with Simon Bégin, lawyer and director of legal affairs of the SQI), Développements récents en droit de la construction (2022), Barreau du Québec, June 3, 2022

  • Speaker, "La réglementation municipale à l’ère d’Airbnb"

    (co-presenter with Audrey-Anne Béland), Développements récents en droit municipal (2018), Bécancour, April 2018

  • Speaker, "La gestion des nuisances par les municipalités et l’enjeu de la gestion des chiens de type Pitbull"

    (co-presenter, with Véronique Briand-Carle), Congrès 2017 de l’Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec, June 14, 2017

  • Speaker, "L’acceptabilité sociale : le point de vue juridique"

    Quebec city, February 2017, Boucherville, June 2017, Laval, June 2017

  • Speaker, "L’acceptabilité de projets de développement : Pourquoi et comment?"

    Quebec city, February 2017, Boucherville, June 2017, Laval, June 2017

  • Speaker, "Aménagement durable du territoire : de la théorie vers la pratique"

    symposium, Quebec City, October 6, 2015, Montreal, October 15, 2015

  • Speaker, "Les pouvoirs d'urgence en matière d'octroi de contrats publics"

    Les Rendez-Vous SAM (FQM), September 24, 2015

  • Speaker, "Comment faire face aux demandes abusives en matière d’accès à l’information"

    Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec’s annual convention, June 18, 2015

  • Speaker, "Concepts de base pour accomplir votre rôle au sein du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme"

    Association québécoise d’urbanisme, June 14, 2014

  • Speaker, "Loi sur l’intégrité en matière d’octroi de contrats publics"

    Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec, June 12, 2014

  • Speaker, "Démystification des pouvoirs municipaux en environnement"

    Fédération québécoise des municipalités' Annual Conference, Quebec city, September 27, 2013

  • Speaker, "La responsabilité extracontractuelle des municipalités"

    2013 Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec’s annual convention, Quebec, June 12, 2013

  • Speaker, "L’évolution de la notion de troubles de voisinage en matière environnementale : questionnements et distinctions"

    Professional Development Seminar, Barreau du Québec, May 24, 2013

  • Speaker, "Rendez-vous juridique – Précisions relatives à la gestion des cours d’eau, récentes jurisprudences et questions/réponses"

    Association des gestionnaires régionaux de cours d’eau du Québec (AGRCQ)’s Annual Seminar, Mont Sainte-Anne, April 11, 2013

  • Speaker, "Loi sur l’intégrité en matière de contrats publics"

    Association des constructeurs de routes et de grands travaux, April 4, 2013

  • Speaker, "La planification, un remède à bien des maux"

    Symposium of the Fédération québécoise des Municipalités, September 29, 2012

  • Presentation of a standard employment agreement proposed by the ADMQ to its municipality board of directors' members

    Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec, 2012 Conference, June 8, 2012

  • Member of the IDU's Urban Affairs and Economic Development Committee, since 2024;
  • Member of BCF's Conflicts of Interest Committee;
  • Member of BCF's Social Responsibility Committee;
  • Director of Théâtre jeunesse Les Gros Bec, since June 2022; 
  • Member of the Alliance pour la féminisation du leadership;
  • Municipal Ethics Advisor;
  • Accredited trainer by the CMQ in municipal ethics, since January 2022;
  • President of the Institut canadien de Québec (ICQ) from june 2020 to june 2024;
  • Secretary of the Institut canadien de Québec (ICQ) from 2018 to 2020;
  • Member of the Québec regional board (QRB), Urban Development Institute of Québec (UDI) from 2017 to 2020;
  • Administrator then secretary of the Association québécoise des lobbyistes (AQL) from 2016 to 2018.