Anne-Marie Boucher
25th Floor1100 René-Lévesque Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3B 5C9
CANADA 514 397-8500 514 397-8515 info@bcf.ca
Anne-Marie Boucher is one of the founders of BCF, where she has practised for most of her career.
After spending several years in Europe and the Middle East, where she established many international contacts, Anne-Marie now serves mainly as a Family Offices advisor. In this capacity, she is responsible for personalized wealth management, asset allocation, supervision of banking institutions and other financial managers, consolidated reporting and compliance obligations, legal and fiscal optimization of wealth and asset protection, devolution of the estate, philanthropic policy, and valuable assets such as buildings, yachts and private jets.
- M.Fisc., Université de Sherbrooke (1995)
- Called to the Barreau du Québec (1992)
- LL.B., Université de Montréal (1989)
“Résidence principale”
Congrès 1996, Association de planification fiscale et financière, Montreal, 1996
“L’exemption du gain en capital pour résidence principale”
Canadian Tax Journal/Revue fiscale canadienne, no 44, 1996
“Planification fiscale et successorale dans un contexte d’entreprise familiale”
Revue de planification fiscale et successorale, no 16, 1994
Collaboration and update: Les principes de l’imposition au Canada, Lord, Sasseville, Bruneau, Ed. Wilson & Lafleur
Collaboration and update: Planned giving for Canadians, Frank Minton & Lorna Somers, Ed. Somersmith
Since the beginning of her career, Anne-Marie has given many conferences, particularly at the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF) conference, at the Canadian Association of Gift Planners symposium and for many other associations combining entrepreneurs and professionals.
- Anne-Marie has taught tax and estate planning course at the Master's level in Law, Tax option at HEC Montréal;
- She has taught the course on tax related to death and transfer of assets in the Master's of Tax program at the Université de Sherbrooke;
- She has taught the tax aspects of the legal practice in the Master's program, notary option in the Faculty of Law at the Université de Montréal;
- From 2001 to 2003, she acted as Advisory Tax Specialist member of the group of Canadian experts assigned to advise the Brazilian government in its tax reform;
- For several years, Anne-Marie acted as municipal advisor to the City of Hampstead, where she oversaw finances;
- Anne-Marie sits on the Board of Directors of St. Mary's Hospital Foundation, Lower Canada College and the Weizmann Institute of Science in which she was particularly interested in risk management and governance;
- She also presided over the tax and education course committee of the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF) for over 10 years.